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Wire Harness Cost Reduction

A key component of any Electronic Product assembly is its corresponding cable assembly which connects the PCBA to other devices. Because cable assemblies often require complex, custom designs, engineers, focused primarily on functionality, often overlook material cost concerns or ease of manufacturability during the design process.

Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) may worry that outsourcing cable assemblies will incur higher costs or jeopardize assembly quality. An informed decision on cable assembly cost drivers, however, can help to alleviate both concerns if we choose experienced contract manufacturers (CMs) who can strategically identify cost saving opportunities.

There are many factors that affect the cost of an assembly. In addition, any wrong choice made can bring to us a lower quality product or one that may get damaged soon, only to incur additional repairing and replacement costs later. Therefore, just as much as we  need to consider every factor while designing, we also need to ensure that we are making the right selections.

The Key aspects of considerations when manufacturing a customized cable harness assembly is Environmental Specification, raw materials, ease of manufacturability and Testability. All these elements can significantly affect the final cost of product. Hence, if all these areas are optimized correctly, the manufacturing costs of cable harness assembly can be kept as low as possible

Environmental & Regulator Compliance specifications

Contract manufacturers (CM’s) inspect every single component and material involved in the assembly. Outside considerations such as the product’s final environmental and regulatory compliance specifications  are weighed in conjunction with the OEM’s bill of materials to identify more cost-effective raw materials, or other potentially cost-saving recommendations.

Raw materials

The raw materials used to build a cable harness assembly incorporate the conductors, insulation, shielding, and jacket material. Matching all these materials to the environment in which the assembly is to be used can bring to us an appropriate product that is balanced of costs and quality.

Using low grade materials is not our target. But, at times, we may not need an extremely super grade raw material too. So, always choose an average quality grade to save on costs.

For example, if assembly is to be used in harsh outdoor conditions, we may need a robust material. But the same may not be required in safe indoor environments. Similarly, some applications may certainly require us to use shielded cable assemblies, but others can work well with unshielded assemblies too; so we must identify whether to invest in a shielded or unshielded assembly.

The connectors used in an application must match the form, fit, and function of the expected performance of the finished cable assembly. We must avoid choosing a style of connector that is specially produced only on demand. Instead, we must choose general regularly available connectors so that there is no dearth of connectors when need to replace them in the future in urgent situations. Moreover, specially designed connectors will also raise the price of the finished product.

Ease of manufacturability

All kinds of critical and challenging manufacturing possibilities should be considered. For instance, there are certain applications that require tight tolerances to meet very specific electrical characteristics, or to route the assembly through predetermined openings. Other than any such critical applications, specifying extremely tight tolerances should be avoided whenever possible.

 Adherence to published standards in most applications is acceptable. Similarly, all such manufacturing processes should be eliminated that require higher costs only to make the assemblies unique. Keep the assemblies as simple as possible, until and unless necessary.


For assemblies with many connections or large volume orders, partial auditing and visual inspections are not enough. Electronic contract manufacturers that perform rigorous cable assembly and wire harness quality checks produce savings on potential downstream corrections as well as wasted time, energy, manpower, and materials on defective part(s).

In summary with all the above factors considered well, we stand a chance of getting a good quality cable harness assembly at the lowest price possible. Just keep in mind only the most important critical challenges and keep the rest of assembly as simple and standard as possible.

To help make the right decision, you should consult a professional manufacturer, where we can get right advice, and the best solutions to build a top quality, yet cost-efficient cable harness assembly.

EMSxchange Enables you to select a Cable assembly suppliers meeting your Required Wire harness Manufacturing Capability, capacity and Certification Criteria from a global Cable and Wire harness Assembly manufacturer base. EMSXchange takes complete responsibility and ownership for your electronic manufacturing process and all its deliverables from contract manufacturing supplier selection to manufacturing to quality inspection to shipment and delivery to your door. EMSxchange Electronic Manufacturing Partners Profile includes: 
Argus Sytems (AESPL) –  PCBA, Cable Assembly, Box Build
Cerra Systems incPCB Manufacturing.